Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Relationships - The Odyssey

The epic poem, The Odyssey, is riddled with the mythology of Greek gods and goddesses. So far in this unit, we have touched on a few of these deities. Since most of you seem to have a real interest in the powers and personalities of these immortals, I want to give you an opportunity to explore this in an assignment (insert groans and mumbling here).
Part 1 (50 pts.): Choose a god or goddess to research and write a five paragraph report detailing his or her origins, life, and powers. Be sure to edit your writing and proof-read it before turning in the final paper. It needs to be typed, size 12 font, Times New Roman style; double spaced. For those of you who remember the password to your blog (and your blog title), you may submit via posting it on your blog. The requirements still apply if you post it. Five extra points will be awarded to those who remembered to keep a record of his or her blog information.

Part 2 (30pts.): Create a poster of a picture of your god or goddess. Be sure to include details of the deity's characteristics based on the descriptions you researched. You may use online pictures to guide you or come up with your own artistic masterpiece. You will not be graded on artistic ability but on the accuracy of the god's or goddess's traditional description. We will be working on these in class; more details about the due date for this will come later.

You will begin working now! Start by going to http://www.greek-gods.info/ or http://www.godchecker.com/ to check out the history of Greek mythology and a general introduction and listing of the Greek gods. Since you have time, use today's class to look at several immortals and make an educated, well-thought out choice. By Friday, 4/17, you will have a rough draft ready. Please do not write your first draft and turn it in as your final. That is not the writing process you've learned, and I will grade you down for it.

Good luck!

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