Thursday, March 6, 2008

Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers. - Homer Simpson

Okay people, you've created your blog, posted your first assignment and received your score. The purpose of creating a blog is not just to expose you to blogging and new technology, but to introduce our next unit: Romeo and Juliet. Or, as I like to call it: What's Love Got To Do With It?"
There are numerous websites out there dedicated to Romeo and Juliet, some legit, some not so much. Beware of sites based on opinion versus fact. In these times of massive information exchange, validity can be difficult to prove. Be sure to check the source of the website. Is it a student doing a report? Is the information here say or based on historical fact? Is it...a blog? Although Wikipedia holds a plethora of information, it can altered, added to or taken from. Even YOU can submit something to Wikipedia.
On to your next assignment. Part one of your "mission" is to add something new to your blog. Some of you have added photos of yourself to your profile - GREAT! Be creative. If you haven't added a photo of yourself, give it a try. Have a knowledgeable friend help you. If you can't add a photo, try finding clip art or a photograph from the web, like I did. I WISH that was a picture of me in my profile! The point is, chose something that you feel represents your personality to show the world wide web. (Must be school appropriate.) If you have already posted an image in your profile, change your blog up a bit. Try something new and creative.
The second part of your assignment will be to research and critique a website that deals with either William Shakespeare or Romeo and Juliet. So, get on the web, look at several different sites which deal with your topic and then post an entry on your blog critiquing your chosen website. Be sure to post a link to your website. Note: a critique is a review or commentary on a specific topic. With this in mind, you will have to view a few and read a few different sites to find one you like. Along the way I hope you learn some things about our upcoming play. Please do not critique as I have already used portions of that site and it is a bit outdated.
If you have any questions, first check with another student in class for clarification. If you still have questions, post them on my blog. I'll try to get back to you before Monday, which is when this assignment is due (end of class).
Have a great weekend!


Dog Hater said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't like being bothered by idiots trying to push their opinions on others, so I'll make my opinion known anonymously.

So, "Dog Hater"…

You are a complete moron. Worse than that, you are a sad excuse for a human being, a sad excuse for anything. You're worse than a rabid dog, because not only are you the kind of person who would cause the suffering—you would enjoy it.

I can't even read your "blog" to find your own opinions (Hmmm, oh my! Your "blog" seems to be set to private! How odd for someone so willing to share his or her opinions with the world!), yet I can guarantee I would disagree with them. In just a few short (and might I add miss capitalized) sentences, you have managed to not only slaughter spelling (ever heard of "Spell Check"?), but that bit of faith I had in humanity.

"Death is such a good question of your values." I agree, whole-heartedly, I agree. However, I cannot believe how many people, such as you, will mock another human being, simply for his or her compassion. I believe I know what incidents you are talking about, and while I agree there is little that should stop a teacher from doing his or her job, Death is likely one of the better ones. I'm sorry, but I'd rather have a teacher who battles her own heartbreak, compared to a teacher that doesn't have a heart to break. Teachers are humans, just as the rest of us (oh, and by the way, that makes you an animal—or did you fail Elementary Science Class?) and they deserve to be distressed and miserable over a Death, pet or no, and they are certainly able to back down from teaching at any time if they feel they are unable to teach. It is simple logic, and human nature. We don't like showing weakness, and unfortunately, for those who are selfless enough to care about another being (whether it be human or not) they are looked down upon, and must endure mocking from others who simply don't understand the need to give a damn.

As I've said, I'm apparently unable to read these opinions of yours, yet, even if I could—I don't believe I would. Clearly, your opinions are unwavering. Simply by reading those few sentences, I've come to realize how completely ignorant you are. What happened to being empathetic? Do you just not understand what it's like to care about something? Or is it that you're such an pompous ass that you don't care?
Frankly, you're the sort of person who causes the problem; you'll preach devastation and people will flock to you, yet you have no solution—other than going around on "blogs" and making other people feel miserable because they think differently than you. And you say you're in the same position as her, as a teacher! I hope to whatever mighty being that is looking down on us that you are not. I hope you're just one of our less intelligent kids, trying to be funny, too immature to understand what affect they really have on others, themselves, and the world.

Regardless, that's just my side of it. I doubt you'll even consider it.

I don't even know if you'll read this, but hey, if you do, I'm glad—want to keep being an idiot? Go ahead, I'm perfectly willing to shut you up again.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs.Knight its Kala.
How are you?
I just made this because I wanted to comment you.
I dont care what anyone says I think your a great teacher and you do what is needed to be done.
Students fall behind so do teachers.Its ok.
You are my alltime fav haha and those people who downgrade you are just jealous because you rock!
well gonna head out.

☆Merrrcedes☆ said...

Well, thank you very much it was the very least thing I could do to make your day better so keep your chin up with a smile its almost over. I had no idea you would read it so, ha I don't really have a writer's charm its not that good. But in any sense I am certaintly glad you liked it! So thanks again obiviously because you are, I believe the only one who would ever take the time to read anything wrote by myself. But I appreciate it. So thank you and have yourself a wonderful evening!
~Miss Mercedes~