Monday, March 17, 2008

"Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation." - Jack Nicklaus

Now that you've blogged and made some changes to your personal space, I hope you feel comfortable enough to tackle this next assignment. Due date: by class time on Wednesday, March 26th.

Romeo and Juliet: "Parting is such sweet sorrow."

Since this week is so short - hooray for Easter break!!! - we will be laying the foundation for reading Romeo and Juliet. Most of you have finished your last assignment to critique a website based either on the play or William Shakespeare so you should have an idea of what we are about to embark upon. Several of you chose a Sparks Notes site to critique, which I have no problem with whatsoever. Use it as a guide ONLY. Trust me, you will have to read the play itself in order to participate in the class discussions and complete the assignments. On to the first assignment:

Read Act 1, scenes 2-5 on pages 739-753. Choose any scene within these scenes from Act 1 to interpret into your own words. To clarify, you should translate each character's lines into your own, present-day language. You may use slang as long as it's understandable. You must interpret an entire scene. Below is an example of part of scene 1, Act 1 such as what I want from you. Post it on your blog:

from Act 1, scene 1, page 732-733, lines 30-45 ~

SAMPSON: I have my sword right here. Start a fight with them! I've got your back.

GREGORY: You'll run off...

SAMPSON: Don't worry, I won't.

GREGORY : Are you sure, I don't trust you.

SAMPSON: The law is on our side if they start the fight.

GREGORY: I'll give them a rude look when we pass to insult them.

SAMPSON: No, I'll bite my thumb at them, which is a serious insult if they back down.

ABRAM: Did you just flip us off!?

SAMPSON (to Gregory): Is the law on our side if I say yes?

GREGORY (to Sampson): No way.

SAMPSON: No, dude. I didn't flip you off, but I did bite my thumb.

GREGORY: Are you trying to start something?

I will be checking these over the break and hope to have any early posts graded before we return from spring break. Have a great break and Happy Easter!!!


Danielle Lynn said...

Hey Mrs. Knight! This blog idea is really cool! It's a new fun way to learn! Thanks for pulling us into the 21st century! ~Danielle

☆Merrrcedes☆ said...

Hey Teacher Lady,
I like the quote, it's a good one...where do you find them? Oh & I also wanted to say I like your new picture its like golden sunshine but for goodness gracious smile! :-) Its really not that hard! I am just kidding! And your Shakespeare translation was pretty exhausting so I am glad that we didn't do anything and I hope you get a kick out of it. By the way I don't think we got much work done in just got served...jokin' and by the way those muffins were pretty yummy. So I went home & made some!
Hugs not Drugs,